Do you know who is using your content right now?

We are here to ensure that producing original work is always time well spent and always worth the effort for you, the creator.

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Let's resolve your case.

Login to our case resolution portal to view the details of your infringement case. Here you will find the detected instance of infringement and the appropriate methods of resolution.

Have you found your own infringement?Submit your case here.

Have you discovered a business using your images without permission? With our easy to use reporting tool, just report this to us and we'll handle it on your behalf.

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Trusted by
Industry leaders

Protecting the ecosystem of originality.

Effective Image Protection

Our advanced software identifies where your images have been used online without your permission, and lets you manage the outcome effortlessly in a simple interface.

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Our experts handle all your cases from end to end

Don't worry about spending time on the infringement case process. We take care of it from end to end on your behalf. We only charge a fee if a case is successfully solved.

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We call our full-service solution IPRaaS

IPRaaS stands for Intellectual Property Rights as a Service.
We safeguard your digital content, already published or yet to be.

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Legal expertise, flexibility and understanding our business as image agency, combined with the ability to operate each market in local languages, was key in choosing Copyright Agent.

Joakim Nilsson, NTB Norway
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Copyright Agent has radically elevated and strengthened our fight against infringements to an efficient and professional level.

Kris Kjær Nielsen, Ritzau Scanpix

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